Terms and Conditions of Grace Model Management (GMM)

These terms and conditions are binding for all models, their legal guardians, and associates associated with Grace Model Management (GMM) and replace any previous agreements. By submitting images to GMM through any means, all models and associates grant GMM reproduction rights, thereby acknowledging and consenting to all terms and conditions established and modified by GMM. The following are the general conditions of GMM that apply to all models and associates at the time of their presentation.

We have taken the utmost care in crafting the content on our pages. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the content. As a service provider, we are not obligated to monitor or investigate third-party information transmitted or stored, nor are we obligated to investigate circumstances indicating illegal activity. Our responsibilities to remove or block the use of information under applicable laws remain unaltered. However, liability in this context arises only from the moment we become aware of a specific infringement, and in such cases, we will promptly remove the relevant content.

Our offerings may contain links to external websites operated by third parties over whose content we have no control. Consequently, we cannot assume any responsibility for the content provided by such third parties. Responsibility for the content of linked pages lies solely with the respective provider or operator of those pages.

If we collect personal data on our website, such as names, addresses, or email addresses, we do so on a voluntary basis whenever possible.

By using our website and agreeing to its terms and conditions, you grant GMM authorization to utilize any information you provide. This data may be employed by GMM and carefully chosen third parties to deliver modeling-related services.

We wish to emphasize that data transmission over the Internet (e.g., when communicating via email) may involve security vulnerabilities. It is impossible to provide complete protection against third-party access to data.

The use of contact information published as part of our legal obligations for the purpose of sending unsolicited advertising and informational materials by third parties is explicitly prohibited. The operators of these pages explicitly reserve the right to take legal action in response to unsolicited submissions.


Models who accept assignments through GMM must complete those assignments through GMM. Any extensions or modifications related to the original assignment must also be processed through GMM. Failure to do so may result in the model being liable for GMM’s losses. GMM does not guarantee the availability of such work.

Models agree not to contact clients introduced to them through GMM without the written consent of GMM.

Assignment Contract

GMM will provide a contractual assignment through a verbal description over the phone. Upon acceptance, the model is obligated to fulfill this contract. GMM will email the assignment details to the best of their knowledge. Each contract pertains to a specific offer and cannot be applied to other past or present offers.

The contract will specify individual model fees, client fees, and other details such as time, date, location, wardrobe, restrictions, working hours, and proposed additional fees. Models who receive the contract by email must complete it in full for the agreed fee. Failure to do so may result in the model being liable for losses incurred.

GMM reserves the right to negotiate post-assignment disputes on behalf of the model and client. Any resolutions reached by GMM will be deemed fair and final.


Models must provide a minimum of 7 working days’ notice to withdraw from a client-booked assignment.

Failure to comply with the notice requirement in may result in the model being liable for additional costs incurred by GMM, the client, or other models.

Models are responsible for being available for the entire duration of the assignment.

If a model fails to complete an assignment for reasons other than illness (supported by a medical certificate), the model may be held responsible for associated costs or losses.

Payment and Invoicing

(a) GMM will invoice the client on the model’s behalf.

(b) Models will be notified in advance of any changes to the contract terms.

(c) Models grant GMM the authority to receive payments on their behalf.

(a) GMM will typically make payment to models within ten days of receiving payment from the client, but exceptional circumstances such as sickness or holidays may cause delays, not exceeding 30 days.

(b) GMM is not obligated to pay model fees before receiving payment from the client. Clients are requested to make payments within 30 days of receiving the invoice.

GMM will not be held responsible for outstanding fees if the client experiences prolonged delays in payment.

GMM may, at its discretion, provide an advance payment to the model, with a negotiated 5% deduction from the total fees. GMM reserves the right to recover any advance payment from the model.

Models are considered self-employed and are responsible for income tax, social security contributions, and other statutory deductions. VAT-registered models must submit VAT invoices within 30 days of assignments.

Models should invoice GMM for any necessary VAT amounts upon completing the contract to receive payment.

If models wish GMM to hold funds for any reason, they must confirm this in writing (via email, text, or letter) to GMM. If this extends the payment period beyond 30 days, GMM will provide a written statement detailing the held amounts.


Models will be informed of the rate of payment for a specific assignment over the phone before accepting it. If prior notification is not possible, models will be informed accordingly.

GMM will not be held responsible if clients do not maintain the agreed-upon rates.

Models grant GMM the right to renegotiate rates with clients as necessary, without imposing any liability on the models.

Rates for overseas clients may vary due to factors such as currency fluctuations and bank charges, which will be reflected in the model’s payment.

Models authorize GMM to enter into contracts with clients on their behalf when they are unavailable.


GMM assumes no responsibility or liability for any losses, costs, claims, or proceedings incurred by models related to persons or property while working on assignments, during travel to/from assignments, or in connection with any assignment.


GMM is not responsible for any costs, claims, proceedings, or losses resulting from the cancellation of an assignment.


Models are responsible for ensuring that assignments are completed to the client’s satisfaction and per the contract terms. This includes punctuality, possessing specified wardrobe and accessories, and adhering to the contract’s requirements.

Models will bear any additional costs resulting from deviations from the contract’s terms.

Models must maintain a professional image and reputation that upholds GMM’s standards.

“Featured model” refers to individuals required to act individually in medium or close-up shots, receive individual direction, have a direct relationship with a visual featured model, be visible and recognizable in a crowd or individual scenes, or appear in a vignette either individually or with others. If a model is upgraded to a featured model, full fees and usage fees apply.


Models who accept assignments from clients introduced by GMM may be required to pay GMM 50% of the fee they receive.

Promotional Material

GMM may invite models to participate in promotional activities and reproduce model prints, website content, CD-ROMs, model books, head sheets, or electronic transmissions from supplied photographs at their discretion. Models will not be charged for this service.

Reproduction Rights

All images and details reproduced in association with GMM are provided by individual models and/or their associates, with full permission and consent. GMM is not liable for any losses resulting from a model misrepresenting themselves.

Models/associates are solely responsible for obtaining the necessary copyright permits for reproducing their images in association with GMM. GMM is not liable for any copyright infringements. All images and details are used in good faith by GMM.

Details of Contract

GMM will maintain contract details on computer hard disc. Models can request or view these details at any time within one year after the initial contract date. Models must collect and sign for a printed copy of these details from GMM’s premises before disputing any contract details.

Termination of Representation

GMM may terminate a model’s representation without notice and for any reason deemed fair by GMM. Models/associates must provide written notice to GMM to resign. Models must fulfill all obligations related to assignments accepted through GMM, or they may be responsible for incurred costs. GMM requests three months’ notice of contract termination from models/associates.

Provisional Bookings

Models are responsible for notifying GMM of any changes affecting their ability to fulfill a provisional booking. Failure to do so may result in the model being liable for any losses incurred by GMM.


Models accepting castings through GMM must fulfill the assignment through GMM. Deviating from this acceptance may render the model liable for GMM’s losses.


Clients have the right to contact GMM during or after a shoot with any grievances related to the assigned models. The client may choose to reduce the model’s fee at their discretion.

Grievances (Legal Action)

GMM may, at its discretion, initiate legal proceedings, such as court summons or solicitors’ letters, against clients who fail to make payments for assignments. Legal fees incurred will be proportionally deducted from the model’s fee and GMM’s agency fee for the respective invoiced assignment.

Acceptance of Terms

All models registering with GMM are considered to have accepted the above terms and conditions.


Assignment: Any task or job obtained either directly or indirectly through Grace Model Management (GMM).

Model: Any individual, along with their guardian or associates, who is registered with the agency and operates as a self-employed professional.

GMM: An abbreviation for Grace Model Management.

Client: Any company, partnership, sole trader, association, or organization designated by the agency to hire models for various assignments.

Fees: The specified sums of money that are due and payable by the client or its agent, as communicated by the agency.

Rates: The mutually agreed-upon payment terms, tables, or scales as provided by the client.

Overseas Client: A client whose business operations necessitate payment in a currency other than the Euro.

Cancellation: A notice received from any party other than the model, indicating that an assignment will not proceed as planned.

The Working Day: A span of 8 hours, typically between 09:00 hours and 18:00 hours, inclusive of a half-hour lunch break.

Promotional Activity: Any work specified as such by the agency, distinct from regular assignments.

Please be aware that these terms and conditions are offered for reference purposes and may be subject to further legal scrutiny and customization as deemed necessary.